Friday 15 May 2009


So this past week I have been working my butt off for a paper that was due on Thursday. I woke up at 7 every morning, spent so much time in the library and as of Wednesday night I had a bit over the 5000 words due. I woke up Thursday morning to put the finishing touches on it and print out mine and my friend Radi's papers. Looking at his got me thinking that it seemed a bit strange and got me thinking. Digging back into my emails I found the one from our tutor with all the info about our paper on it. Turns out we weren't supposed to write a 5000 word paper, but a 3000 word one. I had to spend the next 45 minutes trying to cut out almost 2000 words out, which is hard to do when it all flows so cohesively. No good at all.

Last weekend we had some people over on Saturday for Cinco De Mayo. I made empanadas and Mom's sangria, which is delicious and potent. It was nice way to spend the day, a good break from my paper.

Sunday Andrew and I decided to wander around a bit because I got the day off from work and it was such a beautiful and warm day. Our main goal of the day was to look at some flats, and we found the perfect one. It is in South Kensington, which is a very posh area.

We are just a five minute walk from a whole section of museums and Hyde Park, about ten minutes away is Kensington high street with all its fancy shopping and cafes. Our flat is small but really nice. We have the master suite with our own bathroom and a walk-in closet, the room itself is huge too. There is a single bedroom in the flat as well but the girl who lives there now is moving out June 1st and the new person doesn't move in until the 15th. Besides that the new person to move in is the girl who owns the place's boyfriend. And since she lives elsewhere in London he'll probably be spending a lot of time at her place. But I think we will get on with him anyhow because he is really into photography apparently and likes to shoot in film so we'll have lots to talk about.

We make the move this coming Saturday, so excited. It's a complete 180 from Harrow with nice tree-lined streets and a thriving, trendy neighborhood. There will be many pictures once we have relocated.

This past weekend was a bit more relaxed. I worked the entire weekend. Friday Andrew, Jemma, Aaron and Chloe came into the Duke to have some drinks and hang out once I was done work. We had a late night of it getting home around 4, which made for a tiring day on Saturday. One of Andrew's good friends, Russell, from Australia landed in London early Saturday morning from Thailand. The three of us went for a quick run around of the city showing Russell some of the highlights before going to Fridays for a late lunch. Then we headed to South Kensington to show Russell the area we're going to live in. I headed off to work while the boys headed home to rest up a bit. I decided to see how long it would take for me to walk from our new place to work. I got very distracted while I was in Hyde Park, sat on a bench, watched some puppies playing. Quiet a nice walk to say the least. The night at work was dead so I got to head home early.

More work on Sunday, mostly slow day but Andrew and Russell came in to hang out a bit and Andrew and I had some dinner once I was done my shift before heading home to watch a bit of tv.

A busy two weeks and things will only get more busy the next two. Fun fun times.