Sunday 21 February 2010

You fling yourselves into the sea when you're not walking around audibly crackling in the heat. And the sea is full of jellyfish and sharks and....

...and other things that hate you."

Getting close to being a month behind, I think I need to get better at this.

It's been a pretty busy few weeks. The other week Canberra had an annual multi-cultural festival. Andrew and I went down Saturday because they just filled about 5 blocks full of stalls that were serving food from all different countries. We decided to be smart and split every thing we got so that we could eat more, it was a good plan, next year we think we'll skip breakfast and stay there through dinner because everything we ate was sooooo good.

Our downfall, no idea what it was but it's a delicious Mediterranean and full of spinach,
feta cheese and some kind of ground meat.
Our tasty desert

That night I went out with some of the girls from work for karaoke to celebrate two of the girls birthdays. It was such a good time, everyone was singing and dancing, they're really fun girls.

Last weekend was of course Valentine's Day. We decided to keep it pretty low-key. Saturday night we went out for dinner to a Japanese restaurant called Iori, it has a reputation for being the best Japanese restaurant in the city and after eating there we could see why. We each got a platter, mine was different kinds of chicken plus miso soup, and Andrew's was different kinds of salmon and crab hot pot. We were so stuffed and happy when we left, it was top notch.

After dinner we went to Damon's to watch the first Australian Rules Football game of the season, Andrew is a big fan so he was really keen to get together with his friends to watch it.

Sunday morning we slept in before having a homemade brunch and then we proceeded to watch movies and play video games before I made great steaks, not as good as Dad does but I'm off to a good start. We finished the meal with cupcake size chocolate chip cheesecakes I made, yummy.

This weekend we decided we were finally going to spend a weekend at the beach. We drove down Saturday and put up a tent in this nice eco-resort right next to the ocean. It's the same place that Andrew's parents used to take him when he was younger, although it has grown a bit since he was last there. We managed to get the tent up all right which was pretty impressive since it was our first time trying. The ocean was not too cold so we got to swim for quite a while, the beach was deserted too so we had it all to ourselves. After getting slammed by waves for a while we explored the tidal pools for a while.

tons of seaweed piled all over the beach
Weird metal canister that was on the side of the beach
Andrew was trying out my camera, learning how to adjust setting and such

The cool thing about this place is that there were kangaroos all over the place and they were so calm, they didn't even move when you got within two feet of them. I was going to pet them but got a bit too nervous, next time though because later I saw some kids petting them, and if they didn't get mauled I certainly wont. It was so neat to look up and just see a kangaroo bounding through the campsites, I couldn't stop giggling.
All sorts of wildlife running rampant - kangaroos, a kookaburra, more kangaroos and a blue bottle jellyfish

The beach Sunday morning

Today was so hot that I felt I was melting a bit. I sat by the ocean for a while waiting for Andrew to wake up. The heat caught up with me when we were packing up the tent, even sitting there eating breakfast I actually had sweat dripping down my face, Andrew thought it was kind of funny but I was not enjoying it. After packing up the tent we decided we had earned another swim before going home.

Tonight was something called Troc Fest, it's a short film festival that is shown all across Australia at the same time. Everyone gets picnics and lawn chairs and sits around on the grass watching the movies.