Wednesday 27 October 2010

Behind yet again

Well, as has become the norm I am once again behind with my updates. The past few weeks have been very busy with work and Andrew and I filling up our weekends.

A few weeks ago we had people over to watch the NRL Grand Final game, sadly the Raiders did not make the playoffs as close as it was. We had a great time watching the game though and ended up going out for drinks in the city after which was great fun as we haven't all been out together in the city since Will and Pip's wedding, and Will and Pip weren't at the after party for that one.

The weekend before last we had people over for a bbq before heading to the local bowling alley for some birthday bowling fun. Another great night out, I haven't been bowling in a while and it was so much fun to have a group together for that.

The days have been getting warmer, a sure sign that summer is on its way. To be ready in time Andrew and I have continued our slow progression on the garden, this past weekend I bought some outdoor furniture so that when Karin and her friend Molly get here next weekend we can have meals outside in the nice weather.

Tonight Andrew and I are going to see a comedian Arj Barker that Kate got me tickets to for my birthday. It should be a good show, we always enjoy watching him on Good News Week, my favourite show. And on Friday we're driving 9 hours to a town called Mildura for Rod's 30th birthday party. It's a long drive but Rod and Liv are good friends and we've never been to Mildura. The drive should be interesting but we will be able to tick off 2 'big things' on our trip, if I'm right we will see the Big Playable Guitar and the Big Wine Cask.

An update on Mildura should be around next week.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Top news

Nothing I could have done recently will top the fact that Crew Michael Swenson was born this past weekend. Welcome to the world little boy, I can't wait to meet you.