Tuesday 26 April 2011

And Even More From My Parents Down Under

A bit of Mom and Dad's when they left us for Melbourne.
Penguins and Oceans and Wine...Oh, My!

And a bit that includes Andrew and I where we go to Jindabyne.
Chicken Rolls and Bubbly...At The Top of Oz

More to come from my parents soon, then I'll be back to do more of my own writing.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Mom and Dad's Australian Adventures

Having Mom and Dad around is good for so many reasons, including the fact that I don't have to write a blog. Instead, enjoy my Dad's writing about their adventures down under.

In Search of My Own Glinda
What Makes the Flags on the Mast to Wave? Courage!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

More Australian Adventures

This past weekend was an All Women’s weekend at Merry Beach on the coast of the Tasman Sea.  Sarah and I were joined by Andrew’s mother Judy, his sister Kate, his Aunt Karen and his cousin Claire.  The adventure began with the three-hour trip to the coast involving a road of hairpin turns in the dark as we drove over Clyde Mountain.  The only experience similar is driving through the Sierra Mountains in the U.S.

Sarah had rented a cabin with three bedrooms.  There were kangaroos all over the place.  I have never seen anything like it!  We had to shoo them out of the road so we could drive to our cabin.  We arrived in time for a late dinner that Judy had provided.  Sampling some more good Australian wine, we played cards until well after midnight.   
they were all over the place!

Relaxing on the porch

Preparing for cards

There was much laughter as Kate once again tried to teach me how to play “Shit head”.  There were a couple rules I just couldn’t remember. I am hopeful that we played enough rounds that I can remember the rules long enough to play it at the cottage this summer.
Morning allowed me to finally get a glimpse of where we were staying.  We ate breakfast out on the deck and enjoyed listening to the ocean and watching the kangaroos move about.  People didn’t bother them at all.

Early morning.  We could see the ocean from the deck

Breakfast of French Toast on the deck

Sarah and I got in for a swim.  It was as warm as lake water though the Aussies didn’t agree and only waded.  We had lunch at a local Fish and Chip stand that was only a ten-minute walk away.  Delicious.  The afternoon was spent visiting and reading.  We once again got the cards out playing several different games.  Dinner was a selection of appetizers that everyone brought.  I introduced everyone to Sweet Tea Vodka and it was a big hit.

A dinner of appetizers

Sunday morning was over cast and cool.  Sarah, Judy and I took a short hike up a hill to get a better view of the area.  
Mother Kangaroo and her Joey

Sarah and Judy

Morning visitors on our deck-we ended up with 21 of them

Karen couldn't cut the apples fast enough to feed them

 Our drive back allowed me to see what those hairpin turns really looked like.  Judy was a good driver and handled it well.  We stopped at a few shops on our way back and of course made time for “pies” and  later on time for tea.
Yummy Meat Pie!

Sticky Date Pudding and Apple Rhubarb Crumble

I have continued to explore Canberra with Paul’s help.  I have been to Tidbinbilla Nature Sanctuary to see Kangaroos, a Koala, and Emus.  I had a chance to see Lanyon Farm, a homestead and outbuildings from the mid-1800’s.  The government gave property to settlers along with 37 convicts to help run the land.  It’s a very picturesque area.  We also drove up to Mount Ainslie to see Canberra from a different view.

Camberra from Mount Ainsle

I have been lucky to have sunny weather in which to do my sight seeing.  It has turned cooler out and often in the evening Sarah and Andrew have turned the heat on. I can find my way around the neighborhood on foot and to the stores.  They have allowed me to take Coopa for walks  and he is very well behaved.  I know the quality of the next blog and pictures you receive will improve immensely.  I will return to my position as Editor.  We are all looking forward to Dana’s arrival in a few days.

You can see some of Sarah's photos from the weekend on her photo blog.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

First Few Days in Australia

Mom got to town this past Friday so I will let her act as my guest writer for now. Enjoy her view of Canberra.

I left for Australia on March 30 and arrived on April 1.  It only took a six hour plane ride to San Francisco, a four hour wait at the airport, a sixteen hour flight to Sydney, a two hour wait for the bus and lastly a three and a half hour bus ride to Canberra.  And just like that Sarah and Andrew were meeting me as I entered the bus lobby.  What great timing!  

We went over to Andrew’s parents’ house for dinner.  They were celebrating Andrew’s birthday earlier in the week and his sister’s Kate’s birthday that day.  We had some wonderful wine, Australian of course.  They ordered a Turkish banquet take-out which was delicious.  Sarah had baked several desserts to top off the meal.  They got me home at a reasonable hour so I could get a real nights sleep.
Yummy chocolate mudcakes for Andrew's birthday

Sarah and I went for a run in the morning with Coopa.  Then I had a leisurely time watching Sarah baking again, this time for a formal tea party to celebrate Kate’s 25th birthday at Paul and Judy’s.  Judy had brought out all her beautiful china and teapots.  There were several kinds of tea to choose from though we started off with champagne and strawberries.  It was a very nice time and I think it would be a lot of fun to have one when I get home.  Just another great way to have a party!
sausage roll in the shape of a caterpillar

Judy's house ready to serve tea

Kate preparing appetizers

Sarah's baked caterpillar

Champagne anyone?

The Birthday Girl and Judy

Sunday morning we all hiked up Mount Taylor to see the view of Canberra and to see the kangaroos. 
View from the top


Kangaroo's jumping away

Mother Kangaroo and her Joey
Coopa helping to carry the water down hill

Monday Paul offered to play tourist guide.  We drove up to the Black Mountain Tower where there is a beautiful 360 view of Canberra.  Canberra has 300,000 people.  It was designed by an American architect Walter Burley Griffen in 1912.  He had originally planned for a city of 25,000 to grow to a max of 75,000. Geometric shapes were Incorporated into the design as well as large areas of natural vegetation.  The center of the design is around significant landmarks and governmental buildings.   It reminds me of The Woodlands.  It has lots of trees and separate suburbs, each with their own shopping areas. 

We drove around the different suburbs and the national museums.  We stopped for coffee and tea out on the deck of the National Library of Australia.  It was fun to see the area. The pictures I took are on Paul's camera since I couldn't find mine that day.

Today I had a wonderful day today biking all around the area.  Paul tired me out but it was fun.  We rode for almost 2 hours.  Canberra is really pretty and has hundreds of bike paths that wind around the homes, lakes and bush area
One of many water areas in Canberra along the bike path

Paul, my wonderful tour guide
 Here are some pictures of Sarah and Andrew's house.
Coopa keeping an eye on things

Andrew and Sarah's house

Hanging out on the deck

The dog door Sarah had to fit through when we were locked out!

Andrew's garden   
 The weather has been clear and sunny in the 70's.  I am enjoying exploring Canberra.  It's great to spend the evenings with Sarah and Andrew.   I have had plenty of time to relax and read.  I continue exploring the area with Paul as my guide.