Tuesday 13 January 2009

More craziness over in London. Once I got back from Christmas I spent my entire time working on my two papers I had due last week. They didn't seem that challenging until I was stuck short 700 words shy on each one. Yea, a bit stressful and all. Those got turned in and then it was time to work, and work some more. 

Saturday we had a last minute 80s party at the pub, which means there was a lot of people packed into the pub, including the new group of american students attending the school down the road. They seem like a good and friendly group so we're looking forward to seeing them around. Because there was so much going on I worked until 3am at which point the place was still insanely packed. It was a good night all in all.

I worked last night and am going in tonight. Tomorrow however, the real fun starts. Andrew and I are heading to Barcelona for 3 days. We have a flight that leaves at 7am, which means we need to leave at 3:15 on a bus to get to the train station to catch the 5am train out to the airport....oh yea. We have no idea what we want to do or see in Barcelona but neither of us have been there and we got a nice 4-star hotel for incredibly cheap. It should be a good time. We get back late Friday night, Saturday night I work again and then Sunday morning we are up super early once more to get to the airport to fly to Rome for 3 days. Tons going on.

This blog will stop here because I have to make sure I'm all ready to go and head off to work. I'll post a nice long one with pictures of our travels when we get back next week. 

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