Thursday 30 April 2009

'ello, Sue. I've got legs. Do you like bread? I've got a French loaf. Bye! I love you

The past two weeks have gone by in a bit of a blur and it doesn't look like things will slow down for a while. I've been working like crazy, going to town on my major project (which I am kicking butt at), and trying to have a social life. Last weekend Andrew and I escaped the madness to run away to the mountains of Austria.

To get there we took a shuttle, a plane, two trains and another shuttle to get out to our hostel but it was worth it. The place was so nice it looked like a country hotel, we even got feather comforters and our own bathroom. The owner was so nice, he used to be a chef in Salzburg and made our dinners both nights, beyond worth the 8 euros we paid per meal.

Andrew waiting for our very last train after 6 hours of traveling

And no, those are not paintings, that was the view from our train as we were coming into town.

Our first day in Austria, Saturday, we took the bikes out for a ride into town and to find some late lunch. We had some kind of sausage, frankfurter type thing, I'm not entirely sure, and giant mugs of beer before we kept riding a bit further. We got back to the hostel and since it was so nice and sunny outside we sat out of the deck with another tall beer and played cards until dinner. By the time we finished desert, inside now because the temperature dropped quickly once the sun went down, our heads were almost on the table. Gerhard, the owner, showed us the small lounge and we perked up long enough to watch the first 15 minutes of Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom, but once we realized that the other one was asleep we decided to call it a night.

Sunday Andrew indulged me and went for a horse back ride with me even though he'd only gone once before. It was an hour long ride that took us down along a river through the forest. The day was again bright and sunny and it was nice to be out riding. We even tried cantering a bit but Andrew kept slipping off his horse so we decided not to pursue that. My horse kept thinking he should be the lead and tried many times to overtake the actual lead horse, especially when we had to stop because Andrews horse was making a snack of tree branches.

I was trying to do what Andrew does whenever we bike ride and take pictures of him from in front to show off

Through my eyes, doesn't it seem so peaceful and calming

Amazingly after that we still had stamina and decided we would take the bikes out for a ride to the lake which was just on the other side of town, a bit less then an hour and a half away. We seemed to just keep going and I started to feel a little faint from not eating so when we saw a sign for food down a road we decided to follow it. Now my excuse is that I don't know the distance of a kilometer...Andrew doesn't have I don't think. The place we were going to eat was 7km away, well not only was this really far it was up a mountain, seriously. I was feeling even more faint, hot and tired, I couldn't even ride the rest of the way up, it was quiet tragic. At least after dinner we went mostly downhill. However, by the time we got back to the hostel we had ride 44km, epic. There was another delicious dinner and some drinks with Gerhard before crashing early again.

Images from our last bike ride, ever.

Those are the Alps and that is snow on top of them (and there were people skiing up there), the river looks brown but as you can tell from the image below it is anything but, the camera just had a hard time getting everything to light evenly.

One of the rivers down by the bottom, all of them are this clear and it's cleaner to drink from here then any other water because it's fresh from the mountain. As Gerhard told us, water is clean again once it runs over 7 stones. We tried it and it was pretty good.

Monday morning we had a nice breakfast and relaxed in the lounge watching a movie before we caught our shuttle, two trains, a plane and another train home again.

Since getting back I've buried myself in working on my paper that's due in a week, it's not a lot of fun at all. And back to it I go in fact.

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