Tuesday 21 July 2009

The big news

I'm sure word has spread by now but there may be a few people who still haven't heard so this is for them.
I've decided to move to Australia when I'm done with school. I've bought my plane ticket and my visa was settled with lightening speed (they granted it less than 6 hours after I submitted it), so as of October 14th I will be leaving the good old US of A again for a much longer journey.
Luckily, I will be in the states for a month before I leave so I can try and see as many people as possible during that time. The plan for being back in the states goes as follows (right now):

September 15-20 New Hampshire
21-24 Connecticut 
25-27 Vermont for Harvest Market
28-1 Connecticut
2-4 Philly
5-14 Connecticut

If there are any stopovers/day trips from CT that people would like that can be arranged, I may throw in a day trip to NYC during the week and such so let me know.

So yea, there you go.

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