Sunday 2 August 2009

Before I go

Not too much to say about the week. Andrew and I both packed.
Tuesday night we met some friends for drinks at our local pub and then headed over to a little sushi place we'd always wanted to try. Andrew and Radi split a plate of 30 pieces of sushi, it was epic.

Wednesday Andrew and I had our last date in London, it was similar to one of our first dates in London starting with lunch at TGI Fridays. He finished it off by taking me to see the new Star Trek movie which I have been dying to see, it was so amazing for those who haven't seen it. It was a lovely way to spend our last day together.

Andrew left for Australia Thursday morning. I packed some more, had my last days of work, repacked again and am moving stuff to a friends place to keep until I get back from backpacking, yay. It's a lot of craziness and running around but I thought I should get a post out real quick before the backpacking begins.

Oh, and I have an image in the new issue of F-Stop magazine in the group exhibit titled "Amusement", the very bottom row 4th from the left, kind of cool.

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