Saturday 27 March 2010

Quick update

So, a quick recap of our week before last before I move on to the good stuff from this past week, yes I know I'm behind, I don't know if I'll ever be ahead again.

So, two weeks ago, Monday, Andrew's car get stolen from the bus parking lot while he's at work, they find the car later that night and it turns out when the people stole it they decided to do a little B&E with it, so the car was used to cart away stolen goods, such a good feeling. We still don't have the car back but Andrew is a little worried it's going to feel weird when he drives it again, I'm sure the guys messed it up so I won't be that surprised.

Tuesday, they turned out electricity off because they lost our paperwork from November applying for electricity in our townhouse and decided that 4 months later was a good time to take some action. Andrew had even spoken to them earlier that day and straightened everything out because we got a letter but since it was in their system to turn ours off a technician was already on its way, something they failed to tell Andrew. After repeated phone calls and promises that someone was coming we finally got power back sometime on Wednesday. It really syched me up for my first day at the new job getting ready for work in the dark.

I started the new job Wednesday, I wasn't in my office but at the main office which is just down the road from here so I could get trained in their software and what exactly I need to do. The girl who was training me, Andy, was really nice and incredibly helpful. Luckily she had been on maternity leave recently so she had a whole binder full of typed notes she handed over to me that gave me a step-by-step on every task. It was a good couple of days to slowly ease me into the Ray White company. My office is part owned by the main office and part owned by this guy Ben.

Friday afternoon I finally got to head out to my office for a few hours to figure out the phone systems, the printer, where everything is set-up and get my space the way I want it. It's a very small office, we've just added a 7th realtor to our group which is very exciting. Because it's so small I sit at the front and do a bit of reception work as well since we don't have the money or space to hire one.

Last weekend Andrew and I went to see a few more houses, one of them being in Gowrie (the suburb his parents live in) and out of our price range. Sadly, prices are so out of control here that we realized we have to bring our price range up a bit. We decided that we actually really like the place, even if the current owner hung sheets all down his driveway, over the garage and put umbrellas in the bushes, plus sat in the garage while the open house was on, he was the first thing you saw when you walked down the driveway so it was a bit weird. We ended up talking to him a bit because he had put giant roll down metal security shutters on all the doors and windows that completely lock the house and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't for an actual security reason. He is a real nice guy and was happy to answer all of our questions.

On our way home that day we decided to talk to Andrew's parents about the actual possibility of raising or price range a bit so we could make an offer on the house.

Well, I'm off for a 30kms bike ride now, I'll fill in on last week and this weekend tonight when I'm home.

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