Friday 27 August 2010

Chaos reigns supreme

Life has been a bit chaotic recently for Andrew and I, although there hasn't really been much going on. I found out not too long ago that the 6 months I am allowed per company is drawing near for Ray White. Ben and I tried to see if there were any solutions, he even had me call and immigration lawyer, but there is no way for me to stay with the company without risking my future visa. So I've been applying for jobs like crazy but there isn't too much out there. Most employers have put a freeze on hiring since the election was announced last month, and now that the election is over but there still isn't a prime minister no one is going forward with jobs yet. I'm still pretty confident though that I'll find something soon.

To break the boredom of work Andrew and I are hopping in a car tomorrow morning with Andrews parents to drive down to Sydney. We're going to spend the day running around the city and sleep there for the night before catching a train to the airport in the morning and flying off to...Fiji!

That's right, Andrew and I are going to Fiji! We're going for 5 nights staying at Mango Bay where we're going to swim, lay on the beach, hike around a bit. It's going to be absolutely amazing and you'll see and hear all about it next weekend when we get back. Until then be jealous :)

Monday 2 August 2010

The Snowy Mountains (Australian Alps) receive more snow than Switzerland (maybe not this year though)

No excuses, I'm just behind.

Last weekend Andrew, Will and I left work early to drop Coopa off with Luigi (Will's dog) to be watched by Pip (Will's wife) for the weekend. The two started playing as soon as we got in the door and didn't stop the entire weekend, Pip went to check on them at midnight on the first night before she went to bed thinking they'd be asleep but they were instead running around the backyard.

After dropping off Coopa the three of us drove down to the mountains to stay at Andrew's parents place in Jindabyne for the weekend. We got up early Saturday morning and had a big breakfast for energy before driving to the ski slopes. We spent the day skiing at one of the mountains in Thredbo called Perisher. The setting was really cool because you could see bushland and then just snow all of a sudden.
Andrew wore bib drawers, and we laughed

Will wore a helmet, and we laughed
Andrew found a great poster while we were waiting for the train
The mountain had some really good runs but by the end of the day my socks were digging into my feet and I was exhausted. We ordered some pizza and tried to see how long we could stay awake before crashing out around 10.

Sunday was a quick pack up then the drive home. Coopa looked as tired as us when we picked him up which makes me think they actually didn't stop playing the whole time we were gone. The three of us barely managed to stay awake to watch a movie Sunday night before all crashing out.

Last Wednesday I met Andy for dinner over in Woden and then we went to the local Southern Cross Club to see Thirsty Merc play. They looked like Nirvana (the bassist even had the Kurt Cobain hair cut) but danced like the Rolling Stones, there were a few times I even thought the singer was going to do the Mike Jagger walk. They sounded as good live as they do on their cd and Andy and I jammed out the whole time just feet from the stage. It was a great small venue that gave a great feel and view for everyone. And the opening band was great too, a group called Porcelain.

Thursday was Winter White Out for Ray White, my company. Between our office and three others we auction off 25 properties in one night. It was a massive event that we have been marketing and preparing for since before the beginning of July. The night went pretty well, fairly busy, with 11 properties being sold on the night and 4-5 more sold prior to auction. It's nice to have this finally behind us because hopefully that means the office will slow down a little bit so we can all rest and catch up with the other properties.

Friday I got to leave work early since I work late at the auction and relaxed at home with Coopa for a bit before dressing to meet Andrew in the city for dinner. He surprised me with a very nice steak dinner at Kingsleys Steakhouse a meal my father, a lover of steak, would have greatly enjoyed. From there Andrew took me down to the Convention Centre where he had gotten us tickets to Bill Bailey, who I have been listening to since I first lived in London back in '05. It was great to finally see him live and such an amazing surprise for Andrew to spoil me like this, I could completely get use to this.

Saturday we did a massive clean of the house along with many loads of laundry and grocery shopping to round out our required activities for the weekend. After taking Coopa to the dog park, I tried my hand at Gail Tuscany's pumpkin curry soup, and if you've never tried this get to Harvest Market and give it a go. I think I did a pretty good job and Andrew and I have already finished off the pot of it I made.

Sunday I got up early to see the Belconnen Sunday Market before going to Andy's where I was promptly served pancakes before taking a few photos of Jayden (soon to be on my photoblog). I then went home to hid from the rain and enjoy the rest of the weekend with Andrew and Coopa. Hopefully this week and weekend will be slow, it'll never happen but we're going to give it a try.

Awesome salmon dinner Andrew made compared to the picture of said salmon from the recipe book ( can you tell I don't know how to work this new version of blogger)