Friday 27 August 2010

Chaos reigns supreme

Life has been a bit chaotic recently for Andrew and I, although there hasn't really been much going on. I found out not too long ago that the 6 months I am allowed per company is drawing near for Ray White. Ben and I tried to see if there were any solutions, he even had me call and immigration lawyer, but there is no way for me to stay with the company without risking my future visa. So I've been applying for jobs like crazy but there isn't too much out there. Most employers have put a freeze on hiring since the election was announced last month, and now that the election is over but there still isn't a prime minister no one is going forward with jobs yet. I'm still pretty confident though that I'll find something soon.

To break the boredom of work Andrew and I are hopping in a car tomorrow morning with Andrews parents to drive down to Sydney. We're going to spend the day running around the city and sleep there for the night before catching a train to the airport in the morning and flying off to...Fiji!

That's right, Andrew and I are going to Fiji! We're going for 5 nights staying at Mango Bay where we're going to swim, lay on the beach, hike around a bit. It's going to be absolutely amazing and you'll see and hear all about it next weekend when we get back. Until then be jealous :)

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