Friday 17 September 2010

A weekend of sore muscles

Andrew and I had a very busy weekend last weekend. Saturday we start by finally getting Andrew signed up on a phone plan with his fancy new HCT Desire phone, it's a lovely touch screen phone that Andrew has quickly become hooked on. After that we began work on our garden. We spent about 5-6 hours clearing brush and cutting trees and even discovered a path that amazingly goes perfectly from our from door down to the gate we put in, the before and after images are below so you can see our progress.
Before 1
After 1
Before 2
After 2

Before 3
After 3

Sunday was the Canberra Time's 10km Fun Run. Andrew and I had been training to run this before we got sick in Fiji. Since we were sick we decided we'd just run as much as we can and then walk the rest, Andrew's parents were doing the run as well so we figured we could walk with them. We started off pretty good. Paul dropped off at 3km but caught up with us again around 4km at the water table, the three of them dropped down again at 5km but Andrew told me I should keep going, he figured I could make it to the end even though I wasn't so sure. I didn't do to bad, I figured I'd stop at 7km but that was part way up a hill so I kept going. Then I'd thought I would stop at the next water table but it was close to 8km so I kept going. I chatted with a couple near me and was told the last 2 km were flat going to the river and along the river, I thought I'd see what I could do and I kept going. I kept going right until the end and finished in 1:08:26, under an hour ten! I made it back around to the finish line just in time to see Paul cross the finish line with Andrew and Judy only a few seconds behind.

It was great to be able to run the whole thing but next time I've got to be better trained. We finished the race with a nice walk through Floriade, an annual flower festival that takes place in the city.

There were many sore muscles the next few days and we haven't been able to start exercising again, maybe next week.

This week I've been off from work as my time at Ray White ended last week and I am still waiting on an official letter of offer from Australia National University. Well, the wait is almost over, I got a call yesterday from my future boss who told me that I should have my letter of offer today and they would like me to start next week. Which means I can official tell everyone about it since we're all set to go. As of next week I will be the International Student Advisor at ANU, this means that I will be in charge of keeping track of health legislation that might impact the students and making sure the international students have health coverage while they are studying at the university.

This job is a great step into a university career which will help Andrew and I move back to the states in a few years. There is room to grow with International Student Services and the university so this is a really good opportunity for me.

Today I'm off to get my ACT drivers license before Andrew and I head out of town for a wedding this weekend. Oh, and the Raiders are in the finals and play tonight against a really good team so, Go Raiders!

More next week.

1 comment:

cswenson said...

Great before and after pictures. You guys did a lot of work. It looks very nice. congratulations to all four of you on completing the 10K. You certainly got your exercise this past week-end. MOM