Monday 24 November 2008

I've wiped the file? .... I've wiped all the files? .... I've wiped the INTERNET? I don't even have a modem!

Another crazy week of classes, as usual. I've finally been writing my lecture, and I think I have the best line ever in it: "When you're expecting a cow, a dinosaur takes you a bit by surprise"
It should be a good lecture.

I borrowed the Phase One Hasselblad which is a 27 megapixels digital camera. It's so pretty :) I'm using it because with it I can print images that are 40inches x 55inches, very 
very exciting. I printed the other day one of my images for coursework, it's A1, which is 23inches x 33inches, poster size, it's huge :) I've been getting very excited doing large prints,
 it's just so much fun and I've never done images this size before.

Karoly and I on the bus to Greenwich

Saturday my friend Karoly and I decided to go to Greenwich for the day. We took the bus out there which allowed us to see all different parts of the city and it didn't cost anything extra from our travel cards. The temperature was in the teens so we decided not to spend tons of time outside. We did walk up to the top of the hill for some nice pictures and to see the Prime Meridian. There is also a camera obscura (which is a large room that is a camera)
 so it was neat going into that, I've never seen one before.
From top to bottom: 24 hour clock with all the measurements on it; Prime Meridian and exact time clock; Royal Observatory on top of the hill; 2 views of London from the top of the hill in Greenwich Park

After we hurried back down the hill we wandered the streets a bit, wandered through a market and had some hot mulled berry wine. It was pretty tasty. After that we grabbed some late lunch and headed back to the city to get ready to go out for the night.
Karoly, Aude, two of her french friends and I met up downtown to go to this really cool club Tiger Tiger. It was way to expensive, to get in and for drinks, but we had a great time. It's spread out over five levels with different music in each space. We were down on the very bottom floor dancing to house/trance music, which I've never danced to before. It was a lot of fun and I was exhausted by the time we left around 1:30.

Yesterday Liv and I decided on an impromptu meet-up to go to Westgate for a little bit and then over to WalkAbout for some dancing. As always we had a lot of fun and now I've got lots of coursework to catch up on and I'm finally getting more hours at work so it'll be a fun and full next few days.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Sounds like your trip was fun! I've walked up to Greenwich from London before and it was a good time (quite a bit warmer though). Nice pictures of the observatory and back towards London.