Monday 1 December 2008

We don't want thousands of people wandering around here willy-nilly, leaving orange peel on the petunias and frightening the corgies.

My lecture was on Wednesday, it didn't go terribly. I realized that I'm not as smart as some of the other kids in my class, to be fair most of them are older, have been doing this for longer and got a bachelors degree in photography. It still wasn't the best feeling in the world. Luckily the lecture itself was good, I needed feedback from my tutor about where my paper that comes from this lecture is going. I got really good feedback from her and my paper is going really well from there. And after the lecture one of the guys in my class, Peter, who is one of the incredibly smart ones came up to me and told me that he really enjoyed my lecture, he thought it was really good. That made me feel a whole lot better.

Thursday we had a critique for one of our classes. Mine went really well. Everyone enjoyed the concept and thought the image was really good, I'm just going to re-shoot to put the image at a higher quality and see if I can get a more intense light.

Friday Ellie and I went down to Camden market so she could get a hat and I could buy my pretty new red converse (they're so nice). Later I took it upon myself to make Thanksgiving dinner for my flatmates. I cooked from 3:30 until 8:30, when we finally sat down to eat I was so tired from all the cooking that I barely managed to eat. Most of the time was spent making cinnamon rolls from scratch like Mom makes, it was hard but they turned out pretty good, not as good as Mom but good for my first attempt at making them by myself. I couldn't get a whole turkey and was kind of glad for it because that would have been too much for me to do. Instead I had turkey steaks that I seasoned and cooked in the oven. Ellie helped by making mashed potatoes and keeping me company in the kitchen, we had a lot of fun.
Cooking my little heart out
The boys while I'm slaving over a hot stove making them dinner, jerks
Thanksgiving dinner

Saturday James and Ellie went with me to meet up with Rod, Liv and Tyler (who just got back from 20 days traveling around Europe). We went down to Hyde Park to their Winter Wonderland for some ice skating and wandering around looking at the different Christmas market stalls.

Sunday was a day of epic proportion. Since Tyler just got back we all wanted to go out and celebrate. We started off by going to Church, not the kind most people go to on a Sunday. It's a club that is only open on Sundays from 11-4. It's in an old theatre where they show concerts. Instead of buying drinks at the bar you buy drink tickets and each ticket is worth 3 drinks which you have to get from the bar all at once. The place is pretty much a dump with stuff all over the floor, it's dirty and grimy and so much fun. Liv and I met up with Tyler and a bunch of people from Tyler's tour group. There was a lot of dancing, people in crazy contest and weird drinking games played out on stage.

Drinking games on stage at The Church

From Church we followed what has become our typical routine and headed over to WalkAbout.We met up with some of Liv and Rod's friends at WalkAbout which means, yet again, I was surrounded by Aussies with a few Danes thrown into the mix. Liv's friend Matilda brought us girls mustaches to wear. Liv and I did a lap of the first and second floor to see what kind of reactions we'd get from people. It was great because people had to keep doing double takes and had the funniest looks on their faces when they spotted the mustaches.

After a while my mustache started to come off so this kid Derek and I decided it would be funny to put it into our friend Andrew's beer. This kept us occupied for about 3 hours as it took Andrew forever to realize that it was in there, and even once he did he'd either put it into one of ours or we'd sneak it back from him and pass it between us to get it back into his beer without him noticing. It was quiet a good way to spend the evening.

Mustache gangLiv and I rockin' the mustaches
Andrew in my mustache
Derek (my co-conspirator) and I
mustache in the beer
Liv and this New Zealand rugby player
Andrew making faces for the camera
Liv and Rod

Today Ellie and I went to get our fake Christmas tree and decorate it, it was a very nice way to spend our evening.

That is all.

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