Monday 8 December 2008

I'm a one-man idiot

Trying to think of what has actually happened this week and it hasn't been much.

Nothing exciting at uni, this coming week is our last week of classes and then next week we have workbooks due in two classes. I have a crit Wednesday for my major project which I really need because I'm stuck on which direction for the images to go with. It's good that we have break soon because I'm fairly burnt out and am having a hard time focusing enough to actually get my work done, no good.

Friday night Ellie and I spent Friday night making chocolates like Mom used to have Jess and I make at Christmas time. It was a nice way for us to spend the evening, eat chocolate, watching some tv, drinking some wine.

Saturday I met up with my friend Andrew at his hostel and we wandered across the city through Trafalger Square and down to Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland before I made it off to work.

Fabulous image of Winter Wonderland taken by Andrew (he wanted to make sure he got credit)
Creepy laughing Santa at the funhouse
More of Andrew's fabulous photography
More Winter Wonderland (this one by me, you can tell the difference between the amateur and professional, or so I tell him :) )
Andrew and I (what a smirk)

Things were uneventful at work as well, the place wasn't very crowded until right when I was getting off work and all the American students decided that 15 minutes before the bar closes is a good time to come in, order drinks and sit around. The way pubs work here is at a certain time we lock the doors but we keep staying open for a while if there are people inside. So with all those people showing up I had to stay on a bit later and then still help out from the other side of the bar.

Sunday I went to dinner at The Texas Embassy with Andrew and two of his friends from the hostel, an American named Nick and another Aussie named Jordy. It was quiet interesting being out to dinner with 3 guys, definitely a different experience. The dinner was so tasty and we were all in a bit of a food coma by the time we finished our meals, very worth it. We decided to walk back across the city instead of being really lazy and taking the tube. It's been nice taking walks through the city recently, incredibly cold but nice anyhow.

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