Friday 16 October 2009

The Land of Volvo's and hippies

So I was home for about a month, filled with packing, unpacking and a lot of traveling to catch up with people before leaving.

As we speak I am sitting in Virgin Blue's Lounge while waiting for my very last flight that will finally get me to Canberra. I have been traveling since leaving Mom and Dad's around 1:30 Wednesday afternoon and I am ready to be done already, this is more travel then I have ever done before. But soon I will be able to send everyone updates from fun and exciting adventures from the other side of the world, I may be farther from Santa Claus now but I'm closer to penguins so it's kind of a toss up.

This is a map of Australia that Andrew sent to me, just so everyone can get an idea of my new country. We live over near Danni Minogue on the east coast.
I'll be sending some updates as soon as I can. It was great to see everyone I got a chance to see while I was home. Don't forget everyone is welcome to come and visit so I can have friends :)

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