Friday 30 October 2009

There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, and only some 20 million people.

Quick correction from last week: Andrew's car is a manual, not automatic

Another busy week coming to a close. Last Saturday Andrew and I went to the wedding of one of Andrew's best friends, Will's, sister. It was a lovely ceremony outside at one of the local universities. That evening I went out Kate for a night with the girls. We had dinner and went to a few drinks. It was really nice to have girl time. And at the end of the night we were a bit hungry again so we made our way to the glowing light of a 24-hour Mcdonald's. Much to our excitement they told us that we couldn't come in but had to walk through the drive-thru instead. All through college you'd hear stories of people trying to do this at McDonald's and getting yelled at and now we were told to, we giggled all the way through line in-between cars and two guys on bicycles ahead of us. Definitely a good way to end the evening.

Sunday Andrew, Simon and I went on the mission of finding me an automatic car...we were sadly defeated. Then we went over to Will's parents house for a bbq to celebrate the wedding from the day before. Everyone was very nice and welcoming and I felt right at home. Will's parents have built an elaborate backyard perfect for gatherings. The excitement of last weekend was they got to test out the new outdoor pizza oven they just had installed. There was also a pool, a nice sculptural water feature. My favorite part, hands down, was the porch. It was a nice wide two-story porch, we were on the ground level sitting around a table made from a large metal tub which could be filled with ice and drinks as there is a hole in the middle to grab the cold drinks from. The chairs were also made from metal tubs, cut with arm rests and comfortable padded. Added to that, on either side of the table, attached to the second floor were two heaters so we stayed nice and toasty while it rained around us. Very nicely done.

Monday was my first day of work down at Canberra Motor Village as a receptionist. I've done four shifts this week and already received my first paycheck. The work isn't too bad, I answer phones, take reservations, answer questions, check emails, check people in and out and deal with general questions. The staff is all pretty young which is cool, and everyone is friendly. It's nice to have something to do with my day and to make a bit of money, pay is actually pretty good in Australia as the average casual rate is $20/hr, and that's just for a weekday, it goes up on Saturday, up even more on Sunday, and even more on public holidays. A good start I'd say :)

Tomorrow Andrew and I are off to look at two apartments and hopefully pick one of them as our future place, and I'm going to go check out two automatic cars, one of which will soon be mine. Things are very much settling in to place, now I just have to settle in with a group of friends, I've joined a book club but there won't be a meeting until mid-November, a photographic society but their last meeting until February is mid-November so I'll wait to join, and even a knitting club which I'll start going to as soon as I've decided what to knit next, any suggestions are welcome.

More to come once things have been sussed out.

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