Wednesday 11 November 2009

Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.

Not too many changes but I have bought a car (yay!). It's a Mazda that is older then I am, an '82, cute little red hatchback, although it has yet to be named. It took me a little bit to get used to because it has a manual choke which I've never dealt with before so I actually flooded the car the first time I tried to drive it from home.

Work is still going well. I love getting paychecks so that's all good :)

Last weekend Andrew and I saw two houses on Saturday, not too bad but not exactly what we are looking for. I had to work Saturday night so that was a bit of a bust but we made up for it on Sunday by visiting a local vineyard. Last weekend was a big festival at all the vineyards with jazz and open houses so we went to the closest one for the afternoon. They had use try about 20 different wines and explained the whole process for to us. After the tasting we picked up a little picnic hamper and sat out in the sun on the grounds of the vineyard and listened to the jazz band play while we ate locally made quiche and spicy zucchini spread. It was kind of romantic, which is different for us, but really nice.

This week I started going to jazzercise with Andrew's mom. It's a lot of fun, hard to keep up with all the moves but good exercise and a good social activity too so I'll definitely keep it up. We're getting ready to head to Sydney for Saturday which should be good fun. Not much else to tell, hopefully more soon.

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