Friday 20 November 2009

The Sydney Opera House roof weighs more than 161,000 tons.

This week Andrew and I signed a year lease on a fancy new townhouse that we get to move in to. It is two stories (which is very rare here), with 3 bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. There is also a two car garage that connects directly into the house. The bedrooms and bathrooms are downstairs with the lounge, dining room and kitchen are upstairs above the garage, which is nice because that means there are no rooms on top of the bedrooms in case someone needs to get up early or stays up late. We're really excited about moving it and can't wait to be in there.

We moved out yesterday, and it was way too hot but we got it done. Now we are staying with Andrew's parents until we can move in next Wednesday. It's quite a full house at the moment which makes things real interesting.

Last weekend we all went down to Sydney for Saturday because for a few weeks every year they put sculptures along the beach/cliff side between some of the beaches. We got there early and wandered around looking at all of them before having some lunch along the beach.

Some of the sculptures and views along the beach walk:
Bondi beach
this straw was one of our favorites

the little man on the left on the rock is actually a scultpure
The eyes were cool and creepy all at once
There were a few of these all made out of wire, it was really intricate
This isn't actually a sculpture but the home of a homeless man with the best view in Sydney

From there Andrew, Kate and I went in to the city to see some of the sites before meeting back up with the parents for dinner in the harbor at this great seafood place that was right next to the bridge looking at the Sydney Opera House. It was an incredibly long day, I kept dozing off on the way home and we all collapsed pretty quickly once we got home.

Andrew's favorite sculpture

We found these cool bridge cages in an alley as part of a city wide installation of art:

Opera House close up
Our restaurant is where the red arrow is pointing on the right of the bridge
The view from our table

Since we were so exhausted we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing which was nice for a change.

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