Monday 5 July 2010

4th of July Aussie Style

It's been a bit busy these past two weeks, we had our fence put in, worked on our lawn, got a skip to trash as much stuff as possible and just cleaned for two days.

This past weekend though was the main event, what we've been waiting for and leading up to for weeks now, our housewarming 4th of July party. The actual cooking started on Friday with my full size watermelon which I cut a hole in and added some vodka to flavor.

Our fridge was looking quite nice with the vodka watermelon and meat taking up our bottom shelf.

I even attempted a flag cake for the occasion.

I did a bit of decorating for the party while Coopa enjoyed the sun waiting for people to arrive.

The lovely watermelon all set to eat. So Andrew's Aunt Karen showed up and gave me a lovely surprise, an American flag she has had for about 30 years, she couldn't disclose where it came from, she could only tell us is that she did not steal it. It's a real, cloth flag and pretty nice so we're hoping the embassy isn't on the lookout.

Bobby came prepared in his Red Sox's jersey so I had to lend him my stubbie holder to complete the outfit.

Claire and I
The day progressed from ping-pong to beer pong by the end of the night, it seemed like a pretty good idea except that our ceiling is low and people have a habit of jumping when they get a ball in the cup, the above was taken after his second hit on the head, he just doesn't learn.

So that was our 4th of July party one day early. We had about 20 people over, cooked a bunch of meat and ate lots of food. It was a great time, even our neighbors came by to say hi and give us a bottle of wine.

Sunday was a relaxing day after that to get us ready for this next busy week ahead of us. So more to come as soon as I wake up.

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