Tuesday 22 June 2010

Roasting my Sunday Away

Saturday morning I was picked up early by my friend Cath Cool to go meet a group of ASADA girls at this great place called Tilly's for breakfast. They also do dinner and have live music which I'll probably bring Mom & Dad to while they're here, it just has a very jazz, 1920s kind of feel to it. There was a group of 6 of us and it didn't take long for us to tuck in to our breakfast.
Mmmmh pancakes
We had to get some fuel so we could hit the op-shops (thrift stores) in northern Canberra. We hit up 4 different shops and found some great bargains, my friend Dee even found me this beautiful pair of cowboy boots, they're perfectly broken in. After many hours shopping I finally made it home to Andrew.

That night after a nice dinner Andrew took me out to see Prince of Persia. I liked it and hated it at the same time. It's a good story but it was so Hollywood, I'll see the next one but I don't know if it'll be in the theater. We did get to see a great preview for the new Leonardo Dicaprio movie that looks so good, I can general drag Andrew to those movies so hopefully we'll get to go see that one.

Sunday I ended up spending most of the day in the kitchen cooking. I made some cupcakes so that I could practice frosting, not so good yet but slowly getting better.

I decided to try my hand at making a proper Sunday Roast, luckily Mom & Dad had given Andrew an electronic thermometer for his birthday so I used that to cook the roast perfectly, I even made Yorkshire pudding from scratch, they turned out amazingly and dinner was a triumphant success, yay.

The meat starting to cook in the Dutch Oven
My Yorkshire puddings
Pile of meat, the Walkers prefer their meat medium so I had to sacrifice the meat and cook it longer then it needed, next time I'll make them have it cooked properly
The whole spread on the table, I cooked roast vegetables to go with it all (potatoes, carrots
and my new favorite pumpkin)

Judy wanted me to show everyone my lovely gravy boat

Our fence is coming along slowly, I took this picture early in the morning to show how it looks now that we have no fence along our deck edge....not that you can really tell since it's so dark, better pictures this weekend for sure once the fence is done.

And to finish it off my moment of zen, my little boy sleeping with one of his favorite toys, his Carly.

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