Friday 18 June 2010

This week in review

Last weekend we celebrated the Queen's birthday (even though it was back in April). Thanks to Queenie we were given a 3 day weekend, with which Andrew and I did as little as possible.

Saturday I made reservations for us to go to lunch with Andrew's parents at Silo this flash little bakery in Kingston (the Kensington type area of Canberra). I had been hearing about this place back in London so I was glad to finally give it a try. I had the meat pie because I have fallen in love with all meat pies here, in fact, I'm going to buy a meat pie maker cause it's prefect for putting leftover mince, stew, etc into and making awesome pies. I digress, meat pie at Silo, this was an incredibly meat filled pie, many kinds of, pheasant, chicken, beef, and than pheasant egg all of which was covered with pastry. So yummy and filling. Andrew and I took a lap around the plaza and shops before heading back home to grab the puppy, we had left him at Andrew's parents house so he could get a bit of play time with Jessie and Austin (Kate's dog who was there for the weekend).

My meat pie goodness

With the 3 day weekend Coopa was very lucky and got taken to the dog park twice. There were lots of dogs his size and he had a great time running around like crazy with them all, which was really good for us because we had a very sleepy puppy by the end of the day which meant we didn't have to get up as early.

And that was the extent of our weekend. Oh, except on Friday some of us from the office went over to the Woden office for drinks where I was named employee of the month, very cool to get recognized for working so hard all the time, it made me happy and Ben seemed really glad to be able to give it to me.

Sunday Judy (Andrew's mom) took me to one of the monthly markets with her sister, it was a bit of a bust so Judy and I went for coffee and did a bit of shopping at a Michael's type store that I didn't know existed. I picked up some party supplies for our housewarming/4th of July party and some clothe to use as backgrounds for my awesome new studio set-up :)

We finally found someone to work on our fence and he's started already which is great, he's pulled down half the old fence already and will pull down the rest tomorrow morning before starting on putting up the new one. Looking at it already the yard seems so much bigger, I'll take a few photos tomorrow so everyone can see how amazing our yard will be soon, Coopa is going to go a little nuts when he sees how much space he has to play in.

Off for the night to see if I can find anything interested to get up to.

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