Thursday 10 June 2010

Fingerprints and the FBI

So Monday morning I left work to head to the central police station in Canberra. It was nothing like what they show in movies or on tv, in fact, the lobby looked like almost any office reception, not as flash but still the same. I was there to get my fingerprint taken so I could prove to the FBI that I am who I say I am so that they can run my criminal record.

All of this is just a small blip in the extensive process that comprises my attempt to apply for a residency visa. On Wednesday I had to go to a special doctor so they could take my photo and run a whole bunch of tests before taking a chest x-ray, apparently they're afraid of tuberculosis or something. It's been a bit crazy trying to get all of this done and we have so much more to do, it's overwhelming and I'll be so happy when it's over.

For my new exciting present to myself that I just got today you're going to have to check out my other blog (I know, what a pain) but just click here.

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