Tuesday 21 December 2010

So, umpires aren’t fat they just wear lots of padding?

The closer it gets to Christmas the busier we have been getting. A few of the highlights from the past 2+ weeks include:

• Hitting up the cinema to see Rare Exports, a different kind of Santa story, with Shelley and Alex
• An attempt to take Coopa swimming until we realized that the beach we were going to take him to along the river was a good 5’+ underwater, it seems as though Australia got all 20 years of rain at once when the drought broke
• The annual Walker family Christmas Carol’s, lots of tasty snacks and some off key, but enthusiastic singing, including an attempt at Six White Boomers
• My work Christmas party, now that Andrew has had 2 of them it's only fair I get one
• The successful baking of pepparkakor (delicious and much appreciate by my co-workers)
• Our first Canberra Cavalry baseball game (a winning success, even if it was freezing outside and we had to huddle up in our hoodies and the origin of the blog title)
• Our first session with our dog trainer, he works similar to the Dog Whisperer in the States. It’s going to be a tough 2 weeks as Andrew and I try to remember, and follow, all the rules to keep Coopa in line and turn him into the best behaved dog but it will be worth it in the end

Now things are slowly winding down as we count down the days and hours until we’re released from work for our Christmas holiday, 2.5 days to go :)

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