Friday 3 December 2010

What's the point of taste if you can't taste it

  Since everyone in the states got to celebrate Thanksgiving last Thursday I decided that we needed to celebrate as well. We held Thanksgiving last year as well and it was so good we decided to invite even more people this time. Last year there were 7 of us in our townhouse in Monash, this year it expanded to 22, not including 2 babies, 2 young boys and a very happy (and by the end of the day, exhausted) puppy.

As I can’t handle cooking for that many people I took a cue from my family and had potluck Thanksgiving making the turkey and allowing everyone else to provide side dishes and deserts. Saturday was the chosen day as we don’t get off for Thanksgiving. The day began with me stuffing my 13lb turkey and getting it into the oven. I had made Mom’s sticky buns on Thursday so that was one less thing for me to do, so Andrew and I settled in to wait for the 5 hours to be up.

The weather had forecasted rain starting at 3, the same time people were going to arrive for dinner, so we held off setting the tables up as we wanted to eat outside. We finally decided that the blue skies weren’t going anywhere so we got everything ready and pulled the, perfect, turkey out to set for a bit.  It looked as though the predicted rain was actually going to come so when our firsts guests arrived we put them straight to work moving the tables and chairs inside, of course it never did rain but we were glad to be safe with our set-up.

The dinner was massive and very very tasty. Everyone loved the sticky buns, I tried to make them last year but had to substitute vegetable shortening for Crisco, this year I was able to get Crisco sent to me so they turned out perfectly. The turkey was moist, the gravy was warm and the food was plentiful. By the time dessert was finished most people were rolling for the door.

As normally happens when we get all our friends together there was a small group of us left at the end of the night having drinks and caring on into the night. By the time Damon was falling asleep on the couch we decided to call it a night and realized it wasn’t even midnight yet, the might effects of Thanksgiving.

Sunday I had to drop Andrew off at the airport to head to Sydney for a conference and I went home to pack so that Monday I could go to Melbourne for my own conference. And that shall be the next adventure soon to come.

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