Tuesday 1 February 2011

Bit of a struggle

It's been busy and not busy all at the same time these past two weeks. We haven't been doing too much, a bit of swimming in the river with the pup, some hikes up Mount Taylor, a lot of bbq's and lots and lots of house work.

Last weekend I had a model shoot with this model Dani that I know, we had lots of fun and the photos are really great, you can see some of on my photoblog.

We also got to take Coopa down to the river to swim with Luigi. Coopa is still slightly unsure of swimming, it didn't help that Luigi accidentally kept pushing him under as he tried to swim next to Coopa. They both did well though and the humans greatly enjoyed some relief from the heat.

Wednesday was Australia Day. This year Andrew and I decided that we weren't going to trek into the city on Tuesday for the Australia Day concert. We had a lot of fun last year but it was slightly marred by all the underage drunk kids running around, after hearing that this year the police detained 71 underage kids at the concert we were glad we didn't go. Instead we stayed in our nice air conditioned house and watch some of the concert on tv. On Australia Day we had some friends over for a bbq before heading down to the river to swim, it was so hot and that was the best idea. Even after the river we spent the rest of the day hiding in the shade and I had to sit there and feed Coopa ice cubes.

Paul's older brother came over from New Zealand earlier this week for Paul's 60th birthday so Wednesday night we had another bbq. To go along with the family theme we had dinner Thursday night at the Walker's on Paul's birthday and Friday was the big night. We went out to this fancy restaurant called D'Browes. It was very large and delicious, between the appetizers and dessert that Andrew and I shared plus our massive meals we happily rolled out of the restaurant.

Saturday night we continued the family trend further with yet another bbq at our place. More eating, some relaxing on our deck and it was all capped off by a very tasty crepe dish that I made all by myself (I made crepes! It was amazing! They were delicious!).

Sunday I got up early and drove to Bungendore, a country town about 45 minutes outside of Canberra on the way to the coast. I went there to help out the ACT Rescue and Foster (ARF) charity. They rescue dogs that will be euthanized at the pound, fosters them after they have done temperament tests to make sure that they are dogs that can be re homed and then begin the process of finding them a new family. At the show ARF had a tent where they were selling some merchandise such as t-shirts, calendars, drink bottles and other various objects to benefit the non-profit. We spent the day playing with one of the foster dogs Milo, as it turns out he was adopted later that day.

Towards the end of the day they had a pet parade and dog 'races' right behind where our tent is so we got to see all the cute pups go by, there are some photos of that on my blog as well.

And that was the past two weeks down here. Much more excitement to come after a long weekend in Melbourne with my sister!!! Yay!

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