Friday 5 June 2009

Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

Quick catch-up that won't be as quick as it should be.

Andrew and I are all moved into our new flat and it is even more amazing than we imagined. I've got some pictures for you to check it out. The place itself isn't huge but our room is so that makes up for it. And it's very comfortable for us.
View of our street
Our front door
Our bedroom, though this only shows about 1/4 of the room, and we're cleaner then that,
this was us trying to unpack

Our tiny little kitchen

The lounge and dining area, the doorway on the other side goes to the single bedroom

I've finally turned in my last minor project for school so now it's down to just my major project. I have 4 images finished, three schedule to photograph next week and then it will just be two more left, so close and yet so far.

Last week, two days after we moved in, I flew off to Texas to go to Midland and then Houston for Ashley Mullings wedding. It was so beautiful and warm and sunny. I got to spend the first day lying by the pool, getting my hair done and doing some quick shopping. Ashley, Joey and I made a great dinner together, mexican themed with margaritas and all. Wednesday started off the same way, lying by the pool, relaxing but then, as is my luck, I got very sick and stayed the way. I was confined to my bed for the rest of Wednesday and wasn't well enough to do anything for the next few days. Midland was very cool, it is so flat that the sky just seems to take over everything. I have never been anywhere so flat before.
Ashley took me to see Stonehenge at the UT campus outside of Midland it was...strange:

I accidentally laid with my hair in a puddle getting water all over myself when I sat up,
I was very mad at the puddle.

Friday the three of us headed off to Houston for Ashley's bachelorette party and Joey's bachelor party. For Ashley's party we went to this nice mexican restaurant where we had our own cabana outside. The service was bad, one of the girls quesadilla came out with one of the slices partly eaten, the food we did eat was really really tasty though.

Saturday we got our nails done before heading out the rehearsal where most of us got to see where they were getting married for the first time. It's a little wedding centre out in Magnolia in the country a bit called Ashelynn Manor. Absolutely beautiful, and they take care of anything you could think of for the wedding because that's all they do.

The chapel where the ceremony took place, yes it really is that quaint

The Main house where the girls got ready

The carriage house where the reception was held

I got to be the first bridesmaid down the aisle with Ashley's little brother Graham who is just like a little brother to me. It really meant a lot to me because I grew up with the kids and really feel close to them so there isn't anyone I'd rather have leading me down the aisle for this, plus he was a smart ass about the whole thing which made me smile and helped me from getting too emotional. After the rehearsal we had the dinner at an italian place down the street from Ashley's parents house, very tasty of course.

Sunday Mom and Dad picked me up Sunday morning so we could spend a bit of time together before the wedding since we knew I'd be really busy after the wedding. Mom and Dad were staying with their friends the Benham's in The Woodlands so we went over there and Mrs. Benham made me some breakfast before we took a drive around The Woodlands to look at some of the changes, I get so lost there now.

The girliness began around 4 on Sunday, all of us bridesmaids in the suites at Ashelynn Manor doing our hair and make-up and prancing around in our dresses. Before the actual wedding we were herded into a small room at the back of the chapel that has a big one way mirror so that Ashley can see out to everyone before the wedding starts.

It wasn't a very long ceremony and us bridesmaids were released fairly quickly from pictures so we could go enjoy the reception. Again good food, we had lots of dancing, and I managed to sneak away from the bouquet toss. My parents ended up sitting at the same table as a cousin of Ashley's who happens to work for British Airways. Well, the next thing I know I've been upgraded for my flight on Monday, yay.

After we finally left the reception most of us headed off to Ashley's parents house to keep the party going. Graham and I were the last ones to finally head to be around 5am. And of course things didn't really slow down the next day either. Monday Ashley and Joey came back to the house to open wedding presents and then we all headed to lunch at a mexican restaurant in The Woodlands before they jetted off to the airport. I ran some errands with my free time before it was my turn to head out.

So, the return trip. Most amazing plane ride of my life, probably never to be topped again. British Airways has 4 classes. I was bumped from the 4th to 2nd called Club World. This meant that before the flight I got to go hang out in the super nice lounge where they had free drinks ranging from top shelf alcohols to juices and teas, free snacks of all kinds, free wireless internet, our own bathrooms and a nice front desk lady who rounded us all up to go to the gate when it actually started boarding, you know, so we didn't have to mingle with the peons and all. We were the first to board with the families with children, though we got our own line. And once we got to our seat we were handed a glass of champagne to enjoy while we waiting for everyone else to file onboard.

Images of the seats so you get a better idea

These are the seats that actually fold all the way out into beds, all the way down flat, incredible!
We had a three course meal for dinner, starting with duck as an appetizer, I couldn't even eat everything, it was too much. I managed to sleep a bit, much more comfortable then trying to sleep in the normal class. Oh, and because it was Club World we got our own special speedy line to get through customs too so I got out even faster.

This week has been much compared to last in Texas, back to work and working on my major project some more. I feel like I'm going to have a good amount of free time on my hands coming up soon. Somehow I'll manage to fill it though, I'm sure.

There will be more pictures coming later I just didn't take too many because I wanted to enjoy just being there in the moment, look for some soon though.

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