Friday 26 June 2009

Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas.

Last weekend Liv and Rod came to town from Copenhagen to spend some time with everyone. Friday night Rod met a bunch of us down at the Duke to hang out for a while. We were, no surprise, back there again Saturday night with Liv and some of their other friends for more wild and craziness. Nothing to over top but always a fun time with them around. I've been having later nights out with them since Andrew hasn't been around. The flat has been completely empty because our other flatmate moved out so it's been a little lonely here.

Sunday I met up with them yet again to go to a park in Fulham for this aussie girls birthday to play some softball. Not everyone knew the rules which made me feel more comfortable about the fact that I'm horrible. We spent 4 or 5 hours playing and just hanging out in the sun, a great way to spend the day. I stopped by WalkAbout with them briefly with them before heading home to met Andrew when he got back from Egypt.

I've been spending a lot of time the past week on campus scanning negatives I have. It's been really neat to see all these images that I had forgotten I even had, I'm having a blast going through them and fiddling around with working them.

Tuesday night my friend Paul and his brother Andy met me at The Duke after work, we went to a little hole in the wall bar they know of that has a vinyal jukebox for us to mess with. From there we went to another bar just around the corner to listen to this band that Paul is friends with called Me and the Beast. They sounded really good, the lead singer was a mix between Regina Spektor, Katy Perry with some Blondie thrown in.

Yesterday I got a bit of a girlie day, met my friend India for some pampering and then we grabbed a drink on Carnaby Street so we could peoplewatch with all the tourists running around. Relaxing way to spend the afternoon.

Last night Uncle Scott was in town and he took Andrew and I out to this great restaurant not too far from The Duke called The Seaport on Bev's (my boss') recommendation. We ate lots of seafood, drank a good amount of wine and were very very full by the time we left the place.

My major project has changed a bit so I'll be spending the next few days re-shooting and making sure I'm really happy with how everything looks. It's been a bit frustrating because I keep trying to please other people and now I'm not happy with how it looks. Results should be up soon.

Good week last week, hopefully this next one can keep up.

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