Tuesday 16 June 2009

True, true, true. Except for the lies.

Last week I did another one of my photoshoots for my major project. Her name is Marie Berry and she is the editor of a magazine that is against typical woman's magazines called Knockback. She was a lot of fun, we ended up spending most of our time on the roof of her building with bubbles blowing around us, it was a beautiful sunny day.

Last Tuesday night began two days of complete chaos in London. The tube drivers went on strike from 7pm Tuesday night until 7pm Thursday morning, nothing was good until Friday morning. It was a ridiculous strike that made the city beyond overcrowded and incredibly hard to get around. It took Andrew over 2 hours to get to work, I tried to do what should have been less then a half-hour journey and it took well over 2 hours. They were striking because in this time of recession when people are losing their jobs and taking pay-cuts they were demanding a 5% pay increase even though they had cut back their hours. Their other great demand was that two tube drives who were terminated with valid reasons be reinstated to their jobs, one of them failed to do safety checks and he opened up the doors on the wrong side of the tube at the platform which means the doors opened to a drop down to the tracks below. It is all so ridiculous and just made so many of us incredibly mad.

I have had a startling revelation that will shock all of you...I like cricket.
It started on Thursday night when I decided to stay for a drink with the kids at work once I finished up. Since everyone was completely enthralled in the game I was bored so I decided to ask some questions, finally see if I could figure it out. Once I began learning some of the rules it started to get more interesting. It's actually very similar to baseball (although never say that to someone from a country where they regularly play, none of them see the similarity). I worked in the pub all weekend and spent the whole time watching cricket so I've gotten fairly good at understanding it.

Saturday Andrew and I both woke up very early (7:30am, see, I said it was early). We decided to be touristy before I had to go to work so we started with the Natural History Museum where we got to run around with little kids and look at dinosaurs (the best part by far). Once we got sick of tripping over kids and felt a bit hungry we walked back by our place to the Saturday market to get some of the fresh cooked sausages, one of them was boar but they were both delicious. From there we headed to Piccadilly circus for a bit of shopping. One the way home we stopped at this cheese stop next to our tube station, it's my new favorite store. We were greeted by the owner as soon as we got in and he had us taste some cheese while helping us select one. He was so friendly that we'll definitely be going back, they even have tables set up so you can sit down have some wine and a selection of cheeses.

On Sunday Andrew decided to run away to Egypt leaving me to fend for myself. It's the one thing he really wanted to do while in Europe so off he went, I couldn't make it because of the money and I have my final crit for my major project on Wednesday. But from what he's told me he's having a blast so far getting burnt in the very hot African sun.

I had my last crit ever yesterday and now I say, "forget that, I do what I want", which last night consisted of eating chinese food and drinking some wine on the couch and today going to the opening of James' show and grabbing some BK on the way home, lets see where it takes me tomorrow, adventures to come.

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