Thursday 20 May 2010

Coming Soon

Well this past weekend Andrew and I finally moved into our new house, big yay! The weekend was full of hard work moving all the furniture and boxes, trying to unpack (so far just the kitchen, lounge and family room are together), trying to stop the puppy from peeing on things, eating packing material and getting stuck in small spaces. We also had to buy a new fridge, which is big and amazing compared to our old one which has become the party fridge in the garage.

Andrew and his dad spent most of the time cutting away all the shade clothe from overhead, it makes such a difference, we can see so much sky now when we go outside, they even trimmed some of the planters which has made the backyard seem so much bigger now that the garden isn't taken over the space.

I managed to paint my office and desk and get 3 walls done in our bedroom, we're going to do the feature wall this weekend so we can finally move into our bedroom and unpack all our clothes, as of now they are strewn about the spare bedroom where we're set-up at the moment.

Coopa is absolutely loving the new house, he just runs all over the place happy as can be. The guy who lived there before had dogs too but didn't want them going on the grass so the backyard is all paved with even the planters fenced in. The big problem with this is that for the first day Coopa couldn't find a place to go to the bathroom because he kept looking for grass. Finally we kicked the end off one of the planters and he now trots happily in there to go to the bathroom, a fairly smart dog I'd say.

He loves to be with us at all times and has a great time when we bring him into the lounge with us in the evenings so he can nap while we watch a movie or tv. Oh, and speaking of movies and tv, the old owner left us his very flash surround sound and dvd player, this player is so good that it plays my American dvds (freakin sweet) which means that Andrew and I had to curl up the other night and watch Star Trek, because how can you pass that up with movie theatre quality surround sound.

So the bit that will be coming soon is the photographs, we're going to get everything put away and straightened into its place this weekend so I can take some photos to show you all how awesome our place looks now that it's all ours. In the mean time, if you're in need of some photographs I've started a new blog to try and keep my creative juices flowing and force myself to take photographs now that I'm out of uni. So check it out and keep an eye on my work as I try some bizarre things over the next few months:

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