Monday 24 May 2010

New House!

As promise, here are photographs of our new house. We're slowly still putting things together so there is a bit of a mess but I figured people would want to see photos sooner rather than later. So here we go, a tour of my house, starting with my boys relaxing on the couch:

Lounge room from the entry hall, the dining room is through the opening on the right
Our bedroom with it's lovely feature wall finished. The other walls are a light sand colour that matches the bedspread. Also, opposite the bed is a wall of closets that have mirrored doors.
My office, those bookshelves were already there which was great because all I had to do was paint and move in.
Family room/kitchen from the end of the family room, the sliding doors on the right go out into our backyard which is paved, has a two car garage and is where our driveway is.
Family room/kitchen from the dining room door, the door on the far right side leads down to the bedrooms, my office and the bathroom.
From our garage, you can see the sliding door where we enter the house, take a look at this earlier blog to see how much more open this is now that we've removed all the sails from the property. View of our deck, again without the sails. The house just looks so much brighter now.
The next step will be to move the fence so that we can have a nice big green yard as well to relax and garden in.

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