Sunday 9 May 2010

I shall call him Squishie, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishie

Yesterday we picked up our puppy and he is absolutely adorable and loves us so much already. He's been fairly good so far, only going in the house twice, and once was in the night while we were sleeping but he's starting to get good about going outside. He was so timid when we first got him but it didn't long before he was crawling all over us and wanting to play.

As this is the first puppy for both of us, Andrew has had dogs before but never a puppy, we took tons of pictures and thought we'd share them with you, so enjoy the wonder that is Coopa.

That's not actually how his face is, he just got his lip caught on his tooth and Andrew thought it was cute because it looked like he was snarling.

So that is our puppy, I hope you guys like him. There will be plenty more photos of him over the next, oh, 12-16 years :)

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