Tuesday 22 June 2010

Roasting my Sunday Away

Saturday morning I was picked up early by my friend Cath Cool to go meet a group of ASADA girls at this great place called Tilly's for breakfast. They also do dinner and have live music which I'll probably bring Mom & Dad to while they're here, it just has a very jazz, 1920s kind of feel to it. There was a group of 6 of us and it didn't take long for us to tuck in to our breakfast.
Mmmmh pancakes
We had to get some fuel so we could hit the op-shops (thrift stores) in northern Canberra. We hit up 4 different shops and found some great bargains, my friend Dee even found me this beautiful pair of cowboy boots, they're perfectly broken in. After many hours shopping I finally made it home to Andrew.

That night after a nice dinner Andrew took me out to see Prince of Persia. I liked it and hated it at the same time. It's a good story but it was so Hollywood, I'll see the next one but I don't know if it'll be in the theater. We did get to see a great preview for the new Leonardo Dicaprio movie that looks so good, I can general drag Andrew to those movies so hopefully we'll get to go see that one.

Sunday I ended up spending most of the day in the kitchen cooking. I made some cupcakes so that I could practice frosting, not so good yet but slowly getting better.

I decided to try my hand at making a proper Sunday Roast, luckily Mom & Dad had given Andrew an electronic thermometer for his birthday so I used that to cook the roast perfectly, I even made Yorkshire pudding from scratch, they turned out amazingly and dinner was a triumphant success, yay.

The meat starting to cook in the Dutch Oven
My Yorkshire puddings
Pile of meat, the Walkers prefer their meat medium so I had to sacrifice the meat and cook it longer then it needed, next time I'll make them have it cooked properly
The whole spread on the table, I cooked roast vegetables to go with it all (potatoes, carrots
and my new favorite pumpkin)

Judy wanted me to show everyone my lovely gravy boat

Our fence is coming along slowly, I took this picture early in the morning to show how it looks now that we have no fence along our deck edge....not that you can really tell since it's so dark, better pictures this weekend for sure once the fence is done.

And to finish it off my moment of zen, my little boy sleeping with one of his favorite toys, his Carly.

Friday 18 June 2010

This week in review

Last weekend we celebrated the Queen's birthday (even though it was back in April). Thanks to Queenie we were given a 3 day weekend, with which Andrew and I did as little as possible.

Saturday I made reservations for us to go to lunch with Andrew's parents at Silo this flash little bakery in Kingston (the Kensington type area of Canberra). I had been hearing about this place back in London so I was glad to finally give it a try. I had the meat pie because I have fallen in love with all meat pies here, in fact, I'm going to buy a meat pie maker cause it's prefect for putting leftover mince, stew, etc into and making awesome pies. I digress, meat pie at Silo, this was an incredibly meat filled pie, many kinds of, pheasant, chicken, beef, and than pheasant egg all of which was covered with pastry. So yummy and filling. Andrew and I took a lap around the plaza and shops before heading back home to grab the puppy, we had left him at Andrew's parents house so he could get a bit of play time with Jessie and Austin (Kate's dog who was there for the weekend).

My meat pie goodness

With the 3 day weekend Coopa was very lucky and got taken to the dog park twice. There were lots of dogs his size and he had a great time running around like crazy with them all, which was really good for us because we had a very sleepy puppy by the end of the day which meant we didn't have to get up as early.

And that was the extent of our weekend. Oh, except on Friday some of us from the office went over to the Woden office for drinks where I was named employee of the month, very cool to get recognized for working so hard all the time, it made me happy and Ben seemed really glad to be able to give it to me.

Sunday Judy (Andrew's mom) took me to one of the monthly markets with her sister, it was a bit of a bust so Judy and I went for coffee and did a bit of shopping at a Michael's type store that I didn't know existed. I picked up some party supplies for our housewarming/4th of July party and some clothe to use as backgrounds for my awesome new studio set-up :)

We finally found someone to work on our fence and he's started already which is great, he's pulled down half the old fence already and will pull down the rest tomorrow morning before starting on putting up the new one. Looking at it already the yard seems so much bigger, I'll take a few photos tomorrow so everyone can see how amazing our yard will be soon, Coopa is going to go a little nuts when he sees how much space he has to play in.

Off for the night to see if I can find anything interested to get up to.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Fingerprints and the FBI

So Monday morning I left work to head to the central police station in Canberra. It was nothing like what they show in movies or on tv, in fact, the lobby looked like almost any office reception, not as flash but still the same. I was there to get my fingerprint taken so I could prove to the FBI that I am who I say I am so that they can run my criminal record.

All of this is just a small blip in the extensive process that comprises my attempt to apply for a residency visa. On Wednesday I had to go to a special doctor so they could take my photo and run a whole bunch of tests before taking a chest x-ray, apparently they're afraid of tuberculosis or something. It's been a bit crazy trying to get all of this done and we have so much more to do, it's overwhelming and I'll be so happy when it's over.

For my new exciting present to myself that I just got today you're going to have to check out my other blog (I know, what a pain) but just click here.

Saturday 5 June 2010

BBQ's and rugby games, the stuff fall is made for

Last weekend Andrew took me out to dinner with Will and Pip to an amazing indian restaurant called Jewel of India, we shared a feast that included 2 courses, starting with "An assortment of corn & vegetable tikki, chicken tikka, lamb cutlets, chicken 65 & tandoori prawns with your choice of one meat and one vegetable curry, raita, naans, rice & pappadams", we chose butter chicken and palak paneer (cottage cheese with spinach). I was glad Andrew drove home that night because I wouldn't have been able to stay awake the whole time.

Wednesday night we stayed late at work so the agents could go through their database and get in touch with people they' done appraisals for or to set-up appraisals. I was in charge of keeping the tally and passing around candy. It went by real quickly as there was so much hustle and bustle in the office. We grabbed some pizza and hung around to chat for a bit afterwords which was nice.

Thursday we had a bit of fun building the bbq we bought, you can see from these instructions why we had a rough time:
this is step 1....to get an even better idea of how little they told us take a look at step 2 below
so pretty much with that first drawing we were supposed to put together almost everything except the wheels...obviously these instructions were drawn by an engineer :)

this is another favorite of mine, it's supposed to be telling you how to put the warming rack inside the grill...which as you can see is completely black in the diagram. But we powered through and ended up with our grill:
in case you're wondering, the big metal tank to the right is the gas for our grill, completely full and graciously left for us by Jeff the former owner, we will never need to buy gas, ever

Friday night Andrew had some of the guys over so I went for drinks with some of the ASADA girls in the city. I hid out at home for a bit before finally joining the guys for a few rounds of poker.

Saturday we did a bunch of housework before going to Claire and Joel's for a bbq and some cocktails, a very nice relaxing evening where we let the puppies run around like crazy, Coopa is still exhausted today.

Sunday we did a bit more housework than I got to go to my first rugby game. We got free tickets to see the Raiders play against the Gold Coast Titans and it was awesome. Our seats were 4 rows from the field, it took me a bit to get into it because I don't understand all of the rules but by the end I was yelling at stupid calls and trying to encourage the Raiders to stop the Titans from winning. It was a close game ending 28-24 Raiders but it should have been an even bigger lead because the Raiders were ahead 12 points by the end of the first half, apparently they fade on the second half traditionally. Either way it was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon and I can't wait to go to another one.
the view from our seats (no zoom)
zoomed in view from our seats
Now it's back to another week of work, they just seem to keep coming week after week, we have a long weekend in honor of the Queen's birthday next weekend though so that's something to look forward to, that and the fact I got fingerprinted today for the FBI, but that's enough to entice you to read the next entry :)