Wednesday 16 March 2011

Another long weekend

We had a long weekend this past weekend which was brilliant. There was a program called You Are Here that started this weekend, it's an art program trying to make use of unused spaces in Canberra. To help with the festivities Kate and I began by trading for some bread. A bread artisan/ANU PhD student is making a whole bunch of very nice sourdough bread that he gets people to trade something for. It is supposed to make people think about the value of objects, it's a pretty neat project and delicious bread.

Me and my bread
The tray of bread in the abandoned shop front
The bread trade was taking place in an old shop that had been abandoned for a while. Also in there a small model of the little town center where people could make suggestions about improvements such as adding a Puppy Cafe, where you get to go in and pet cute puppies, and a roller coaster, free cheese. We were told to write down a suggestion and they would build it and put it into the model. Since there was the free cheese Kate and I decided to add a wine fountain, similar to a water fountain but with wine to compliment the cheese.
The puppy cafe is on the second roof on the right, there is also a solar mobile phone charging station, a petting zoo on the bottom left corner of the photo
When we were leaving the city we saw a giant protest for gay marriage coming down the street

Saturday night I went down to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy to see some of the lights around their sacred fire, they put up lights as a contrast to the Enlightened show that is on with some of the monuments in the city. So, let me start again. Enlightened is a light show that puts various lightscapes onto buildings like the War Memorial and Old Parliament House. The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is the embassy for the Aboriginal people of Australia. There is still a lot negativity between the indigenous people and the settlers here in Australia, a lot of imbalance and I've always been curious about the embassy whenever I'd go through the museum district. Saturday was my first time being there, I got an introduction from, to be blunt, a nice old hippie who spends a lot of his time there. This is a big project that I am undertaking and it's going to be, complicated to say the least. I have my first few photographs up on my photoblog and I could really use some feedback.

Anyhow, Sunday was Coopa's birthday. We had Luigi for a few days so they played together for a while and Coopa slept the rest of the day. They were doing a big content migration at Andrew's work this weekend, this meant that he had to go in Saturday, Sunday and Monday to do testing so we didn't get to do too much. However, on Monday we managed to go down to the dog park for an hour with some of Coopa's friends for his birthday. I was a huge dork and made peanut butter pupcakes for the puppies which they all loved.

And that about wraps up our fun and exciting weekend. I am sure there is so much that I have left out but I've begun reconciliation of payments made to our insurance provider at work which means that my brain no longer functions. Just 16 more days until my Mom arrives, whoo!

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