Wednesday 2 March 2011

Where City Meets Country

Andrew and I have been keeping things pretty quiet, taking care of housework and other humdrum stuff. On Sunday I went down to the Royal Canberra Show to work for ARF. The closest thing I can compare the show to is it is kind of, kind of, like the Burlington Fair. There are carnival rides, food and games, lots of animals on display, pony rides, food judging, market stalls, people like us at ARF, and then the motor shows (you'll see through the photos). So the blog this week is very photo intensive, and there are even more photos over on my other blog include some of the motor cross jumping and the actual demolition derby (that's right, there was a demolition derby, I have to admit I found that less exciting than I thought I would)

Pig racing, they were kind of cute and very fast

Pig diving, absolutely adorable

Trick riding, very neat to see the way they could hang off the horses and twist themselves around while riding from one side of the area to the other, also very crowded so it was hard to photograph

Canadian lumberjack show, they were very funny and the 'tourist' on the left near the fence later snuck over the line and climbed up one of the 50 meter poles for a little show of his own.

This guy is the world speed champion for...something to do with lumberjacks, but he carved a bunny, isn't it cute

Lumberjacks racing up the 50 meter pole, the guy on the right got a head start since the other one is the fastest in the world

Log rolling, where anything goes, except using an axe, much to their disappointment

Lawn mower racing, yup, lawn mowers

High velocity truck tricks, these Toyota trucks did maneuvers and tricks around the stadium

Car parade before the demolition derby

For more photographs from the day take a look at my photoblog.

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