Wednesday 9 March 2011

That mannequin was either trying to hit on me or freak me out

Andrew and I took full advantage of Canberra this weekend filling up our weekend and yet not tiring ourselves out too much.

Friday, for me, began with a trip to the circus. I was given permission to photograph Weber's Circus which is in town for the next few weeks, the photos can be seen on my photoblog.

Saturday was what we usually do on Saturday, groceries, laundry, gardening, etc. However, Saturday night I went over to the northside to a cafe/bar called The Front with Kate and Bonnie to hear a singer called Francesca Sidoti. It was a nice little hipster place complete with a living room set up, boardgames to play and a selection of books to read through. The opening act was alright but a bit too mellow for us. Francesca combined wit with her music and one of our favourite songs was called 'Deep Fried Petrefied' all about the fish n' chip shop, it was brilliant. She also began her set by talking about the creepy mannequin that was in the back of the shop eyeing her up before she went on to sing, which is where the title came from.

Sunday Andrew and I went to Old Parliament House to see a show called Behind the Lines, it's a collection of political cartoons from the past year, below our are favourites.

Julia Gillard was always talking about the country moving forward throughout the entire election

Tony Abbott was asked a question about broadband internet and he didn't seem to even know what the internet is

The election came down to four independents who had to decide if they were going to support Gillard or Abbott so the two hand to try and make deals with these independents from the country
Outside of Old Parliament House
The foyer, how nice is this place
One of the chamber rooms with creepy mannequins, which seems to be a theme for this post
Prime Minister's Office, their version of the Oval Office
A replica of The Mace that is carried in to Parliament everytime the Speaker of the House is there to show they can begin
I don't know what this room is called but you know what it is

After that we stopped by one of the freshfood markets to see how much the rumoured shop selling American cereal was selling it for, a box of Captain Crunch was going for $11.95, not something I could go for. Instead we picked up some fresh baked rolls, nice spicy chorizo and potatos. A tasty, but expensive trip. Not wanting to stop I put our lamb shank dinner into the crockpot and we took Coopa to the dog park.
Preparing the lamb for the crockpot
And away we go
Coopa was enjoying the smell of cooking lamb but preferred his trip to the dog park

Finally we decided to rest for a bit and settled down to watch a movie before I finished getting dinner ready. The lamb shanks turned out amazingly, just falling off the bone, delicious. And so wrapped up another exciting weekend in Australia's capital city.
I probably should have done a better picture but yummy in my tummy, delicious lamb shank, mashed potatoes and a nice gravy

On a quick side note: Andrew and I were watching Good News Week Monday night and one of their questions was 'In Canberra structural engineers were called to a government building because it was shaking, when they got there they discovered it was shaking for what reason?' since it was Andrew's office building that this happened in I was quite excited, it was from a Zumba class :)

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