Thursday 24 March 2011


I don't know how I forgot to rave about this this last weekend. Last Friday we went to dinner at a restaurant called Sage for Judy's (Andrew's mom) birthday. Sage is one of those very pretentious places that services tiny portions of food on things like slate tiles. I gave the menu a glance online to see if anything caught my eye and was a bit concerned that I wouldn't find anything I'd enjoy, snails? really?

We arrived at the restaurant which is partly inside and partly outside with a roof and a bit of a side, and of course we were sat in the outdoor section right on the edge. After joking with one of the waiters that they should just stick a heater right behind us they actually proceeded to do just that. Not only that but they also moved one close to the head of our table on the other open end and we were all quite toasty for the whole meal.

Sage has a set menu so $55 gets you two courses. We all hummed and hawed over what we were going to have. I had settled on Mushroom and Miso Cappucion for my entree and duck for my main. Once the waiter starting taking everyone's orders though I decided to be bold and get the snails for my entree instead (aren't you so proud Mom)

We didn't have to wait very long before our entrees were brought out (on pieces of slate of course) and we all quickly dug in and began trading back and forth with each other. Almost everyone was brave enough to try the snails (delicious).

My snails

Andrew's scallops with chorizo

Kate's pork belly
By the time we were done marvelling at how good our entrees had been the mains arrived. The duck was a great choice, we all cleaned our plates (I even ate my brussel sprouts) and were quite sated from the meal. It was a large meal but incredibly rich and flavorsome so we were happy.

Andrew's Waygu beef
Kate's lamb
My duck
Judy was the only one who didn't get an entree because it was here birthday and she wanted a dessert instead. She went with the Chocolate Trilogy which included salted caramel (strange). We all helped her make sure the plate was clean.

Judy's dessert
It was such a good meal that I'm thinking we might have to try it while Mom and Dad are here next month, or, as Paul suggested, we could try their sister restaurant Aubergine, either way it will mean more yummy food for my tummy so I'm in.

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