Saturday 5 June 2010

BBQ's and rugby games, the stuff fall is made for

Last weekend Andrew took me out to dinner with Will and Pip to an amazing indian restaurant called Jewel of India, we shared a feast that included 2 courses, starting with "An assortment of corn & vegetable tikki, chicken tikka, lamb cutlets, chicken 65 & tandoori prawns with your choice of one meat and one vegetable curry, raita, naans, rice & pappadams", we chose butter chicken and palak paneer (cottage cheese with spinach). I was glad Andrew drove home that night because I wouldn't have been able to stay awake the whole time.

Wednesday night we stayed late at work so the agents could go through their database and get in touch with people they' done appraisals for or to set-up appraisals. I was in charge of keeping the tally and passing around candy. It went by real quickly as there was so much hustle and bustle in the office. We grabbed some pizza and hung around to chat for a bit afterwords which was nice.

Thursday we had a bit of fun building the bbq we bought, you can see from these instructions why we had a rough time:
this is step get an even better idea of how little they told us take a look at step 2 below
so pretty much with that first drawing we were supposed to put together almost everything except the wheels...obviously these instructions were drawn by an engineer :)

this is another favorite of mine, it's supposed to be telling you how to put the warming rack inside the grill...which as you can see is completely black in the diagram. But we powered through and ended up with our grill:
in case you're wondering, the big metal tank to the right is the gas for our grill, completely full and graciously left for us by Jeff the former owner, we will never need to buy gas, ever

Friday night Andrew had some of the guys over so I went for drinks with some of the ASADA girls in the city. I hid out at home for a bit before finally joining the guys for a few rounds of poker.

Saturday we did a bunch of housework before going to Claire and Joel's for a bbq and some cocktails, a very nice relaxing evening where we let the puppies run around like crazy, Coopa is still exhausted today.

Sunday we did a bit more housework than I got to go to my first rugby game. We got free tickets to see the Raiders play against the Gold Coast Titans and it was awesome. Our seats were 4 rows from the field, it took me a bit to get into it because I don't understand all of the rules but by the end I was yelling at stupid calls and trying to encourage the Raiders to stop the Titans from winning. It was a close game ending 28-24 Raiders but it should have been an even bigger lead because the Raiders were ahead 12 points by the end of the first half, apparently they fade on the second half traditionally. Either way it was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon and I can't wait to go to another one.
the view from our seats (no zoom)
zoomed in view from our seats
Now it's back to another week of work, they just seem to keep coming week after week, we have a long weekend in honor of the Queen's birthday next weekend though so that's something to look forward to, that and the fact I got fingerprinted today for the FBI, but that's enough to entice you to read the next entry :)


Dana said...

I don't see a problem with the instructions for the grill... ;>)

All the information you need is right there...except maybe the warming grill part...but then engineers typically don't look at the directions until either stuck or to verify that the project went together the way the designer planned (which may not be the best way if the engineer has figured out a better arrangement).

dvlwearingkhakis said...

Well yea Dad, you would say that, but there aren't many people who know what to do with an axonometric drawing when they see one.
Again I say, silly engineers